Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Art of Peeling

You know what i miss? i miss having my nipples tormented, i miss having them pinched and squeezed. i miss feeling the ecstasy of the erotic feeling of having a Woman play with them to Her delight. i miss the feeling of the sharpness of Her nails digging deep, sometimes so deep, it bleeds.

i also miss peeling the hardened scabs off my nipples a couple of days later. i miss putting on my T-shirt and my nipples being so sensitive, that they hurt again and reminds of of the time when my nipples were being tortured. i miss almost being brought to tears.


  1. You know where to find me soon. I am in the mood for blood. NO PEELING though...your nipples will become so scarred and calloused they won't have any feeling left in them. And we can't have that. >:(

  2. Well, when i mention peeling, i was referring to me having to peel off the scabs because of the damage done to the nipples.... But, i will hold You to that promise. i want to satisfy your blood lust....

  3. Um dude, where were you last night? You should have dropped by....
